

2017-01-11 武太白 武太白英语教学




有的朋友会说,那我怎么知道你手上有没有官方文本?OK,我来证明:BBC的Thought for the Day节目是有官方文本放出来的,地址:



这两天正好就有这么一期节目,是2017年1月6日天主教评论家Catherine Pepinster就传统节日“第十二夜”(Twelfth Night)发表的一通感想。直到本文成文,这期演讲都没有放出官方文本。我把这期节目的页面放在本文左下角的“阅读原文”按钮上,大家可以去看看,估计到现在还是没有的。或者,我也不是吹牛,即便它有了,估计也是错得比我多。




(You are listening to a program from BBC Radio 4. 

The Catholic commentator Catherine Pepinster. Good morning.)

Good morning, Michelle.

The recycling area in my local park has been packed since December 27 with unwanted Christmas trees. It’s a sign that the old tradition of Twelfth Night being the end of Christmas is fast disappearing.

Twelfth Night is synonymous with today’s feast of the Epiphany, which marks the moment when the three wise men, or magi, arrived at the stable in Bethlehem to honor the child born there. It is one of the greatest holy days of Christianity. The scene is familiar from numerous Christmas cards and Renaissance paintings: the three men on their camels who follow the star, and find Jesus lying in a manger. But this is no ordinary visit to a newborn. It is an epiphany, a word meaning a moment of sudden revelation.

And yet the gifts that the magi bring suggest even as they set out on their journey, they sensed this encounter with the child deserving of high honor would be transformational. Matthew’s Gospel records the gifts as gold, frankincense and myrrh. At the time, these valuable gifts were standard means of showing respect for a king, and were also recorded as being used as tributes for the God Apollo.

The gifts can be read in another way. For the ancients, gold signified wealth and power, in other words, earthly concerns. Frankincense represents worship, a connection with the divine, and myrrh, an oil extracted from a thorn tree, is used in burials, and so represents death. These three, earthly powers, the divine and dying, are the great issues that face all humanity.

Part to be living this world, who or what is god, is death the end? Having left their gifts and seen the child, the magi were warned in a dream not to go back the same route they’d come, and to avoid visiting king Herod, who’d ask them for intelligence about the child, when they’d found him. They returned to their own country by a different way, records Matthew.

A different way can mean literally a different road. But in the older New Testaments, it could also signify a new path for one’s life, a change in one’s behavior or lifestyle. For the magi, it was much more than giving Herod a white birth, it was the fruits of their epiphany. This feast of the epiphany, then, can signal a moment of change if people ponder what the magi’s gifts represent. The great issues of life, the divine, and death. It could well be a difficult path to walk upon, but a journey that needs taking.

(And that was Thought for the Day with Catherine Pepinster.)




3. 疑点:我感觉听写应该是没写错,一开始不理解,后来我明白了,这句话是这么分析的:Part to be living this world, who or what is god, is death the end? 这三个并列的成分(有短语、有句子)对应的是上文的earthly concerns, the divine and dying(尘世的追求,神圣与死亡);part to be living this world,这里的live是一个及物动词,是live a quiet life过宁静的生活的live,所谓的live this world,是指“体验这个世界”、“红尘滚滚走一遭”。

part呢,某个人的“戏份”,不是说吗,人生如戏,戏内戏外傻傻分不清?act a pat,出演某个角色,就是这个用法。

综合起来,part to be living this world就是“我们在这滚滚红尘中打滚的戏份”。

当然也有另一种解法:part to believe in this world,但从演讲者的语流能够感觉到,in并没有强调,不像这个说法,而且这样一来文意不对,无法和上文对应。









再次,虽然我并没有每天听,但2013年以来断断续续地算是坚持在听Thought for the Day节目,有文字的对照文字,没文字的多听几遍,争取听熟、听透。Catherine Pepinster的语音我也听过不止一回了,即便不是非常熟悉,也不算很陌生;



